Posts filed under ‘Clothes’

Let me borrow that top

Yes, please do let me borrow that top. Today, I was shopping and I happened to come across some great shirts that made me wish one one of my friends had one of these shirts, so that I could borrow it from them. Take for example, the following:

Youtube Myspace Google Yahoo! Seriously, um, can you get a better saying than that on a shirt?!? I found this at one of those concession stands, and I really wanted it, but I didn’t have enough money. Fortunately, using my mad detective skills, (okay, or maybe some google) I was able to find this same exact shirt at The only difference is that the one I saw was white shirt whereas this one is a black shirt. But does that really matter when a saying that great happens to be on you? No, I didn’t think so.

LMAO. So, as I was shopping, I happened to stumble upon another shirt that was definitely worth the laugh, or should I say LOL? This shirt had my friend and I laughing for quite a while. We even attempted to take a picture of this amazing shirt with our phones, but the owner of the store was nasty and said it was prohibited. So we left the store without buying the shirt (Okay, well we never were going to buy the shirt in the first place since we had ended wasting *ahem* spending all of our money on candy and ice cream, but you know the point that we considering buying the shirt if we had the money did cross our minds.) and ended up going home to search for it. We found one at with a hilarious story along with it. Here’s part of it:

Once upon a time, there was this guy we knew. His name was Billy.* Billy was a fun guy, liked to hang out and stuff. Then one day, something happened which changed Billy’s life forever. He was IMing with some friends when he read a very funny joke. He typed “LMAO” as a response, but then it really fell off. It’s true: Billy L’ed so hard his A fell O.

Again, you can read up on the rest of the story here.

In other news, it seems that everyone is appreciating my avatars. I’m really glad. Again, no credit is required, but if you wish to that is your prerogative.

No real updates today. Sorry the comments haven’t been returned faster, I’ll get on that soon. Maybe I’ll make some more avatars tomorrow? Or some other content? What do you guys think? Your input would be greatly appreciated.


November 11, 2007 at 4:56 am 7 comments

Behind the computer

Behind this little corner of the universe, you'll find your typical music-obsessed girl who prides herself in finding new music. She does well academically,and enjoys learning different about cultures. To keep her love of food under control, lacrosse and field hockey are the sports she plays.
